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Activation and Testing ​

Activation Sequence

It is crucial to fully understand this page before operating EAS. An EAS activation that is not in sequence could lead to the loss of critical safety instructions at the start of the emergency broadcast.

There are three steps for an EAS Activation

  1. Select Source
  2. Arm Zones
  3. Global Activation

Step 1: Select Source ​

Live Mic is selected by default. To broadcast a prerecorded audio clip, select it from the sources list.

Step 2: Arm Zones ​

To "Arm" a zone, click on it. The zone will change from gray to red, the status indicator will also change from Disarmed to Armed. Multiple zones can be selected.

Step 3: Activate ​

Next, click the Hold to Activate button for three seconds. Once activated, the previously selected zones will blink red. At the trigger box, the light will flash red and the contact closure will trigger any preprogrammed audio overrides. If an audio source was selected prior to activation, it will broadcast automatically

FOH Activation Procedures ​

When the system is activated during an emergency:

  • Make sure program audio has been muted and adjust emergency audio as needed. Attendees must be able to hear emergency instructions.
  • Make sure you are able to hear any appropriate radio and com channels that may be used to relay emergency instructions.
  • Inform other production staff that there has been an activation. Stage managers, monitor engineers, and other production staff may not know about an activation right away.

EAS Testing Recommendations ​

A comprehensive EAS test should be operated by the same audio and event safety personnel responsible during the event. This ensures emergency procedures, audio override, and EAS systems will function properly during an emergency.

Be sure to have a live audio source at the stage before initiating an EAS test. Tests should also verify the audio override system is working. Additional information on testing automated override systems can be found in Integrations.