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Sample EAS Deployments ​

Small Festival ​

Small festival map

This example of a small music festival has a festival office and a single stage. FOH, the backstage area, and the festival office are linked by fiber. In the event of an emergency, the EAS Command Unit in the festival office is able to control a trigger box at FOH. When activated, the trigger box mutes the stage audio and the event safety personnel is able to provide emergency instructions.

Large Festival ​

Large festival map

This large EAS festival deployment has a fiber backbone that covers most of the site. This is primarily used to provide internet access to production teams and vendors. A few designated areas have fan-facing WiFi which offloads data from the congested 5G network in the area.

The system processor at each stage is programmed to mute stage audio during an emergency for emergency instruction. EAS trigger boxes provide the control and audio signals.

In the camping areas, there are 5 towers staffed by campground hosts. These provide a central point for curtesy power and water refills. Point-to-Point wireless shots connect these towers to nearby stages. A trigger box connected directly to an amp allows event personnel to send emergency announcements to these areas in addition to the stages during an emergency.

The trigger boxes throughout the site connect to the EAS Command Unit at festival command. From here, event safety personnel are able to monitor and control the system. Zones are utilized to target individual areas for deployment, testing, and activation.