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Command ​

screenshot of EAS software

Clair EAS software provides a simple way to make emergency announcements across sites large and small. From the Command page, devices can be deployed, monitored, and controlled.

Zones ​

Zones are used to group trigger boxes together. Arm and disarm zones by clicking on them.

Trigger Boxes ​

Status ​

status of trigger boxes

The Command page shows the status of trigger boxes. Icons indicate the connectivity status of the box, audio stream, light, and contact closure.

Settings ​

From the Settings menu:

  • Change device name
  • Adjust audio output settings
  • Adjust EAS light standby brightness

Diagnostics ​

Trigger box diagnostics screenshot

The diagnostics tab provides information on:

  • Internal temperature
  • IP addresses
  • MAC addresses

Activation ​

Once zones are Armed, the Global Activation button triggers the audio override. Holding the button for 3 seconds will activate the selected zones. Holding the button for 6 seconds will trigger ALL zones. Deactivate by holding for three seconds.

Broadcast ​

Broadcasts are controlled from the audio section of the EAS command page.

Audio Clips ​

To broadcast a pre-recorded audio clip:

  1. Open the Sources menu.
  2. Select the clip by clicking on the clip. The Play button provides a local preview.
  3. Click Broadcast Clip.

Live Microphone ​

To broadcast using the live mic:

  1. Open the Sources menu.
  2. Select Live Microphone.
  3. Confirm that the correct mic is selected, make adjustments as necessary. The VU meter provides live feedback.
  4. Click Broadcast Mic.